Tuesday, May 29, 2007

what I learned from this project

First, I do not know how to make blog. I think it was difficult to me but after I tried in this project, I learned how to make it and I found it easy. Many vocabulary words are new to me. Like (global warming, cremation…etc). The main thing I learned from this project is the important of global warming and how it affects the world. When I was researched some information about global warming causes I found many of causes that we can reduce it and everyone can do it. For example, many families leave their houses and keep electricity switch on for long time. The responsibility of global warming is not on the government only. I think it responsibility for everyone knows the dangerous of global warming.
In my opinion, I think if the governments copy the film and gave it to administration of schools to show students. This will help them to get the best way to protect them life.

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